Seventh Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Palmarianski Katolicki Kościół

Seventh Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We again thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for the continued success of our Web Page. More than one hundred and sixty countries have discovered the treasure of the Palmarian Catholic Church by way of this Web Page. Heaven exists, and in Heaven Jesus reigns. Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven by virtue of His Glorious Body, and at His side is the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who was assumed into Heaven, and Crowned Queen of all Creation by the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Taking into account that Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin are Heavenly Monarchs who govern the whole of Creation, it is natural to think that They ardently desire that human beings have a guide to help them save their souls and one day obtain the grace to rejoice eternally in the Celestial Homeland. That is the reason for this Web Page, to help souls to save themselves. Owing to man’s widespread corruption in this materialistic world, the Mother of God makes use of this means of communication to spread the Heavenly Messages given in El Palmar de Troya to all men, and teach them true doctrine in all its beauty and veracity.

Many have difficulty in understanding why the Palmarian Church has opened her Web Page now and not previously. The truth is that there is a moment for everything. God in His infinite Wisdom desires it for now, to pour out abundant graces on mankind. Now is the moment to profit from the outpouring of blessings coming from Heaven in order to get to know the True Church of Christ. For forty years the True Church and the True Pope were concealed from mankind. The Church was in the desert of El Palmar de Troya, in an unknown village, a little place of no importance. The Virgin Mary gave orders to construct a Cathedral there on a hill, which was then given the name ‘Mount of Christ the King’. The Cathedral was built on the basis of great efforts and sacrifices.

In this Cathedral upon the Mount of Christ the King, Pope Peter III presides Divine Worship, giving immense glory to God, together with the Friars and the Nuns, and a considerable group of faithful devotees. The Mother of God, the Mother of Christ’s Holy Church, now presents to mankind the Catholic Church renewed and embellished, so that men can become enamoured of her and embrace the true Faith. This is the moment to place the light on the candelabrum, this is the moment for all men of goodwill humbly to bow their heads and acknowledge the Vicar of Christ on earth. For years, mockery of the Palmarian Church has been atrocious, but the Church is no longer hidden, the true Church of Christ displays herself to mankind, for them either to accept or reject. The time of confusion has arrived. Great numbers of people have believed the lies spread about by the media and social networks on the Palmarian Church, but now see the truth, and are astonished at the beauty and piety they see in Palmarian Divine Worship, and at the wonderful doctrine available on the Web Page.

We do not expect multitudes to arrive and prostrate at the feet of the Vicar of Christ in El Palmar de Troya, but we do expect some: those hearts which the Blessed Virgin wills to move, those with better dispositions to become members of Her Church which is the Palmarian Church; even if they be only a few, since those few persons are the ones whom the Blessed Virgin seeks for the greater glory of Christ’s Church. God has no need of millions to save souls. A few very devout souls are what He needs. One holy soul does for millions.

The number of visitors to our Web Page continues to increase. The 20 most important countries are the following: 1, Spain; 2, U.S.A.; 3, Brazil; 4, Germany; 5, United Kingdom; 6, France; 7, Ireland; 8, Canada; 9, Italy; 10, Mexico; 11, Poland; 12, Argentina; 13, Austria; 14, Colombia; 15, Switzerland; 16, Philippines; 17, Peru; 18, Australia; 19, Portugal; and 20, Chile.

We are glad to see that Poland is in eleventh place. One of the reasons for this increase in the list of visits to our Web Page is the information published in Polish.

The Palmarian Church has Missionaries who attend the faithful in some very poor countries, like Kenya, Nigeria, Philippines, etc. It would please God and His Most Holy Mother greatly if visitors display their generosity by giving alms to help Palmarian missions in those countries.