16th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Palmarianski Katolicki Kościół

16th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Time is passing since we launched this website and we increasingly see how the Holy Ghost is bringing the light of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church to the different countries scattered throughout the world. First of all, we are pleased that the number of visitors to our website increased by twelve percent in March 2020 compared to February this year. The number of visitors who continue to enter from Spain, Brazil and Argentina is noteworthy. At the moment, Argentina is in first place, Spain is in second place and Brazil is in third. It is curious that visitors from Spain spend considerably more time looking at documents than visitors from Argentina and Brazil. Lately, in Peru, there has been a lot of interest in finding out about the True Church of Christ. They have already climbed to the eleventh position. Also, in the Philippines, the numbers have grown considerably in recent weeks.

Here is a list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits:

3.Brazil13.France23.Dominican Republic
4.Mexico14.United Kingdom24.Cameroon
5.United States15.Congo – Kinshasa25.Russia
8.Nigeria18.The Ivory Coast28.Paraguay
9.The Philippines19.Ecuador29Guatemala

Since the launch of the Facebook page in Spanish and English this past January, daily visits to the Facebook page continue to increase. Thanks to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, our audience was further expanded with the new addition this month of the German Facebook page. Many people learned about the existence of the Holy Palmarian Church by this means. Many are delighted, but others are surprised by its existence. It is very clear that Almighty God will do whatever is necessary to safeguard His Church. Because the roman church refused to preserve Holy Tradition, the Eternal Father decreed to protect the much-despised Holy Tradition in an insignificant and remote place in the south of Spain called El Palmar de Troya. The Apocalypse relates this transfer in the following way:

„The Dragon decided to persecute fiercely the Woman who had borne the man child. But two wings of a great eagle were given to the Woman so that she might fly into the desert, to the place God had prepared for her, and where she is kept for a time, two times and half a time, from the presence of the infernal serpent „. In this passage, we see deeply represented the translation of the See of the Church from Rome to El Palmar de Troya by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. This transfer took place on the journey that he made by plane on August 9, 1978, from Santa Fe de Bogotá to El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain. (On August 6, 1978, when Bishop Father Fernando was in Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia, Pope Saint Paul VI died. From that same day, by God’s disposition, Father Fernando came to occupy the See of Saint Peter, with the name of Gregorio XVII, de Glória Olívæ, as Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared, accompanied by the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and placed the Holy Tiara on the head of the new Pope, thus crowned in a mysterious and profound way).

„Then the infernal serpent went out after the Woman, vomiting rivers of infamy, persecution, confusion, seduction and other manifold filth from its mouth, intending to draw Her down into the current and put an end to Her. The Earth, however, succoured the Woman; for the Earth, opening her mouth, soaked up the river which the Dragon had vomited from his mouth. The Dragon, seeing he was unable to put an end to the Woman, to take revenge on Her, went off to make war on Her descendants, namely those who keep the Commandments of God and give faithful testimony to Jesus Christ”. This passage symbolizes the Palmarian Church, terribly persecuted by Satan and his hosts. The Earth symbolizes the Blessed Virgin Mary who, as Mother, Shepherd and Doctress of the Church, invincibly tramples on the head of the accursed infernal serpent. The latter, seeing that the Church itself is absolutely indestructible, took revenge by furiously fighting against her children, the faithful.

The Holy Palmarian Church follows its path of perfection in the fulfillment of the Commandments of the law of God. One Commandment, the sixth, is: not to commit acts of impurity. Today, modern music is one of the greatest provocations to impurity for its seductive words, and for this reason the Holy Palmarian Church teaches the following about modern music: Rock and all its derivatives, etc., is the work of Satan himself; for, by means of such music, all man’s lower passions are given free rein; and hysteria, fanaticism, drug addiction, excessive drinking, and many other mental and physical imbalances are promoted. Modern music is the opposite of true musical art and is an infernal incentive to sensuality. Modern music goes against the Infinite Beauty of God, against Good Morals and against artistic good taste; and therefore, it is a grave danger to man; For this reason, it is obliged not to cooperate or allow oneself to be influenced by this music, rejecting it openly. One who owns tapes, records or any other means with this music, and one who expressly listens to them  sins mortally. It must be taken into account that hearing is not listening; so one sins, if once the music is noticed, it is listened to intentionally. Given this definition that is very clear to those who want to understand, it is logical that the Palmarian Church prohibits entering discos and nightclubs among other places, in order to preserve the spiritual peace of souls. Due to this prohibition of modern music by the Church, many people are scandalized and criticize us terribly. The Church must take the necessary measures to protect the health of souls and thus keep them beautiful and pleasing in the eyes of God, just as a doctor does to ensure the health of the body.

Look now at what is happening in the world. The Coronavirus COVID-19 is a latent danger for the health of the body and the authorities have closed the discos and night clubs among other places for the good of the health of the body. There doesn’t seem to be many complaints about it. It is clear that they have closed practically all those places to avoid the spread of the dangerous COVID-19. Since the world is overwhelmingly governed by anti-Catholics, they are not interested in the health of the soul. So they allow pornography and all kinds of immoralities that lead souls to offend God through the sin of lust. Lust has brought disastrous consequences to the Church as in the cases of Luther, Henry VIII, and many others.

The Coronavirus COVID-19 is clearly a punishment from God to wisely eradicate many evils from the world. As it is not possible to go outside to socialize due to the danger of contagion from this malicious virus, peoples’ mobility is practically limited to four walls, 24 hours a day. Let’s look at some examples of these positive human behavior changes for society: The spending of money in bars is reduced, which has always ruined so many families. The clubs are empty and the accursed drug trade, which does so much harm to mankind, has been restricted. Sports, turned into an amulet deified by the media, have ceased to hypnotize the numb human consciousness. In one fell swoop, God put an end to all this. Furthermore, there are now fewer distractions and more restraint in daily living, allowing people to ponder their life and the state of their soul. One will rightly fear about an uncertain future, which appeared to be as firm as a rock a few weeks ago, and one will begin to meditate on the existence of God and the futility of this worldly life. Let’s say that people will experience something like a miniature „Universal Judgment”.

Neither destabilizing revolutions, nor terrible invasions, nor bloody wars, not even the threat of a possible nuclear attack was what radically changed the dizzying world routine in a few days. It was enough for God to use something as microscopic as a virus to make us understand that the world stability proclaimed by powerful nations is as fragile as a bubble of soap floating adrift.

However, we must all turn to the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that she intercede before the Eternal Father so that this punishment end soon. At the Wedding Feast of Cana, it was She who brought forward the first public miracle of Christ when He miraculously turned water into wine. The Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven and the surest way is to humbly appear before her so that she can help us in these difficult times. She has good ears. She listens carefully to her children. We have to go to Her trustingly. This means that we must believe that our Heavenly Mother will always help us when we ask her for something. It is true that the Mother of God earnestly desires to be loved by all the inhabitants of the earth. Now we have a great opportunity: to go to Her to remedy this terrible situation that we live in. We must also implore the intercession of Most Holy Joseph, who will be very effective so that this global pandemic ends as soon as possible. Those who trust in Saint Joseph will obtain that Our Lady attend to their requests more quickly.

We must remember that God tests men. He tested the angels, he tested Adam and Eve. Now God is testing humanity. Many people are winning God’s favour by dedicating themselves to charity. For example, doctors and nurses are practicing charity and love of neighbour by helping so many infected people. With heroic virtue, they risk their own lives to help others. There is no doubt that their prize will be very great in Heaven. All our good works, no matter how small, will be rewarded by God. The police are fulfilling their obligations by maintaining law and order, and the army has helped build hospitals for the infected in record time. These are all good works of great value and we can also contribute in doing small good works by obeying the authorities, staying at home and helping with household chores. Now we have more time to do good works for our neighbor, especially through prayer. We will help each other with optimism and joy in this difficult time. Let us not miss the opportunity that God sends us and let us do as many good works as we can, because as Saint John Bosco said: „Do many good works soon, because later you may not have time to do them.”

In closing, we want you to meditate during this quarantine on eternal life and on the end of this earthly life. Many times it is difficult for us to meditate on eternity and we erroneously strive to want to measure it, but with this little mental exercise you can partly repair this lack of measure: Your soul is eternal, you already know that. The time will come when your soul will see the Himalayas and other tall mountains turn to dust by natural means and disappear, and despite this your soul will continue to exist, until other new mountains arise and the same thing happens to them as the first ones, and once again your soul will see them disappear. We must despise the vanities of this world and strive only to save our soul and that of our neighbour for eternal life. The most beautiful thing that could happen to us would be to die as a member of the Holy Palmarian Church. Those who make the True Church of God look bad will feel great shame when they find themselves before the unappealable Tribunal of God. Those who have had the light and the opportunity to know the Holy Palmarian Church and who have not taken advantage of that grace in time to become members of it will suffer the same shame. Hurry without delay if you still have the flame of Faith burning. Do not waste time, do not flinch. That flame may soon be extinguished if you do not revive it with the practice of Faith. We never know when the end of our lives will come. Let us fully trust the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is waiting for your generous correspondence to God’s sweet call to be a Marian Apostle of the Last Times.